Homestead Related Articles

Companion Gardening
Growing Great Gardens! Submited March 9, 2002


Companion Planting

In nature, where plants grow without cultivation, there is always a mixture of plant types growing in an area. The selection of the plants living in an area depends on the soil type, local climatic conditions and horticultural history. With a few exceptions, the plants that grow together in the wild are mutually beneficial, in that they allow for maximum utilization of the light, moisture and soil. Plants needing less light live in the shade of those which must have full light, while the roots of some plants live close to the surface, and others send their roots far down into the subsoil. Some plants will hurry into bloom and flower early in the year before their neighbors have yet to produce leaves, which will cut off the light supply later in the year. This is known as companion planting when it is practiced in the garden. Companion planting enables the gardener to maximize use of sun, soil and moisture to grow mixed crops in one area.

In planting a vegetable garden, you should use plants that are mutually compatible and make demands on the environment at different times. Vegetables may be divided into heavy feeders, light feeders, soil-conserving and soil-improving crops. The heavy feeders should be planted in soil that has been newly fertilized. Among the heavy-feeding vegetables are cabbage, cauliflower, all leaf vegetables such as chard, head lettuce, endive, spinach, and celery, celeriac, leeks, cucumbers, squash, sweet corn, and tomatoes.

The heavy-feeding vegetables should be followed by such light feeders as pole beans, bush beans and other legumes. Light-feeding vegetables are great lovers of compost. Also, better than other kinds of plants, they seem to use the finely pulverized raw rocks and make phosphorus, potassium and many trace elements available to other plants.

Other light-feeders are such root crops as carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, and rutabagas. Most herbs are light-feeders.

Some plants have a beneficial effect upon the garden by virtue of some peculiar character of their growth, their scent or their root formation and soil demands. Among these plants are sunflower, hemp, blossoming hyssop, thyme, savory, borage, and other good bee-pasture plants. Odoriferous plants, including those with aromatic oils, play an important part in determining just which insects visit the garden. Hemp, for instance, is said to repel the cabbage butterfly.

However, there is more to companion planting than just arranging the physical needs of plants for optimum use of your garden space. Although the hard scientific evidence is often lacking, there is a whole host of insect repellent properties attributed to different combinations of plants. In addition, there are combinations of plants that seem to be natural enemies. When planted too close together, the result is often depressed yields of one or both plants. In most cases, plant scientists still do not know all the why's of these relationships. Many theorize that it is root exudates, or leaf secretions. The odor of one plant may be desirable to an insect, but the odor of a neighboring plant may overpower the attractive scent and send the insect packing.

The listing of companion plants and antagonist plants presented here is based on scientific evidence as well as on folklore. What is reported as working in one garden may not work in yours. Then too, you may hit on a beneficial pairing not yet reported. The main thing is not to plant your garden in strict mono-cropped rows. Diversity of plants is the easiest and most effective pesticide and fertilizer the garden has, so use it liberally!

What you'll find listed in the following table are combinations of vegetables, herbs, flowers, and weeds that are mutually beneficial, according to reports of organic gardeners and companion planting traditions.



Companion(s) and Effects



Tomatoes, parsley, basil


Tomatoes (improves growth and flavor); said to dislike rue; repels flies and mosquitoes.


Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, cabbage, summer savory, most other vegetables and herbs; around house plants when set outside.

Bean (bush)

Sunflowers (beans like partial shade, sunflowers attract birds and bees), cucumbers (combination of heavy and light feeders), potatoes, corn, celery, summer savory.

Bee Balm

Tomatoes (improves growth and flavor).


Onions, kohlrabi


Tomatoes (attracts bees, deters tomato worm, improves growth and flavor), squash, strawberries.

Cabbage family (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi)

Potatoes, celery, dill, chamomile, sage, thyme, mint, pennyroyal, rosemary, lavender, bees, onions; aromatic plants deter cabbage worms.


Loosens soil; plant here and there


Peas, lettuce, chives, onions, leeks, rosemary, sage, tomatoes.


Plant in borders; protects against flea beetles.


Leeks, tomatoes, bush beans, cauliflower, cabbage.


Cabbage, onions.


Radishes (improves growth and flavor).


Carrots; plant around base of fruit trees to discourage insects from climbing trunk.


Potatoes, peas, beans, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash.


Beans, corn, peas, radishes, sunflowers.

Dead nettle

Potatoes (deters potato bug).


Cabbage (improves growth and health), carrots.




Most plants are supposed to dislike it.


Carrots, potatoes.


Roses and raspberries (deters Japanese beetle); with herbs to enhance their production of essential oils; plant liberally throughout garden to deter pests.


General insect repellent.


Potatoes (deters potato beetle); around plum trees to discourage curculios.


Cabbage (deters cabbage moths), grapes; keep away from radishes.


Nutritious edible weeds; allow to grow in modest amounts in the corn.


Onions, celery, carrots.

Lemon balm

Here and there in garden.


The workhorse of pest deterrents; keeps soil free of nematodes; discourages many insects; plant freely throughout garden.


Here and there in garden.


Cabbage family; tomatoes; deters cabbage moth.

Mole plant

Deters moles and mice if planted here and there throughout the garden.


Tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers; plant under fruit trees; deters aphids and pests of cucurbits.


Beets, strawberries, tomato, lettuce (protects against slugs), beans (protects against ants), summer savory.


Tomato, asparagus.


Squash (when squash follows peas up trellis), plus grows well with almost any vegetable; adds nitrogen to the soil.


Protects beans; beneficial throughout garden.


Brings nutrients to topsoil; beneficial growing with potatoes, onions and corn; keep well thinned.


Horseradish, beans, corn, cabbage, marigold, limas, eggplant (as trap crop for potato beetle).

Pot marigold

Helps tomato, but plant throughout garden as deterrent to asparagus beetle, tomato worm and many other garden pests.




Peas, nasturtium, lettuce, cucumbers; a general .aid in repelling insects.


Carrots, beans, cabbage, sage; deters cabbage moth, bean beetles and carrot fly. Beets, strawberries, tomato, lettuce (protects against slugs), beans (protects against ants), summer savory.


Roses and raspberries; deters Japanese beetle; keep it away from basil.


Rosemary, carrots, cabbage, peas, beans; deters some insects.


Cabbage; plant here and there in garden.

Sow thistle

This weed in modest numbers can help tomatoes, onions and corn.


Grows with anything; helps everything.




Nasturtium, corn.


Bush beans, spinach, borage, lettuce (as a border).

Summer savory

Beans, onions; deters bean beetles.




Plant under fruit trees; deters pests of roses and raspberries; deters flying insects, also Japanese beetles, striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs; deters ants.


Good throughout garden.


Here and there in garden; deters cabbage worm.


Chives, onion, parsley, asparagus, marigold, nasturtium, carrot, limas.




Good anywhere in garden.


As a border, keeps animals from the garden.


Plant along borders, near paths, near aromatic herbs; enhances essential oil production of herbs.

Reference Source: The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening

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